The Salesforce Experience Cloud consultant exam is for a professional who has very good hands-on Salesforce Digital Experience and wants to showcase their skills.
Before you appear in the Salesforce Digital Experience exam you must need to Clear Salesforce Admin Exam. You can get the details about Salesforce Exam from the below resources.
Who is this exam for?
The Salesforce Experience Cloud consultant exam is for a professional who has very good hands-on Salesforce Digital Experience and wants to showcase their skills.
About the Exam
- Exam Questions: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and 5 non-scored questions
- Total Time given to complete the exam: 105 minutes
- % for passing the exam: 65%
- Registration fee: USD 200 plus applicable taxes as required per local law
- Retake fee: USD 100 plus applicable taxes as required per local law
- Prerequisite: Salesforce Administrator credential
Course Content breakup
Salesforce does provide the complete outline for the examples and below the topic with exam weightage.
The exam weightage will be helpful for you in which section you wanted to focus on for your exam.
These sections of the course contain the basics of the Experience Cloud that includes the below topic
- How to enable & setup the digital experience in Salesforce
- Need for creating the Experiences in Salesforce
- When to create which Digital Experience in Salesforce
- What are the different Personas of Digital experience
- Describe the Role & Type of External Users in the Salesforce Community
- Given a scenario, set the correct user visibility in an Experience.
- Given a scenario, set the correct object visibility in an Experience.
- Recommend the Declarative Sharing options that could be leveraged for an Experience.
- Given a scenario, implement external account relationships for an Experience.
- Given a set of requirements, evaluate which external license type(s) to use.
- Given a scenario, determine a security model based on an Experience use case.
- Modify an experience within the Experience Builder.
- Explain the capabilities of Search within an Experience.
- Implement Salesforce CMS content into an Experience.
- Given a scenario, make articles visible or accessible in an Experience.
- Given a scenario, select the appropriate theme for an Experience.
- Given a scenario, identify the right Template for the Experience.
- Apply packaging, exporting, and importing a template.
- Assess the use of lightning bolts in Experiences.
- Describe the different ways users can be created, such as manual, Data Loader, Self-Registration, Just-in-Time (JIT) provisioning.
- Given a scenario, determine how to properly set up a user for an Experience.
- Describe options for Single sign-on.
- Apply the steps for enabling partner and customer users for Experiences.
- Identify how to grant users access to an Experience.
- Apply the steps to set up Experience dashboards and insights.
- Analyze and apply Experience Moderation features.
- Given a scenario, employ fundamental best practices for adoption and engagement.
- Apply the steps for implementing Channel Sales Partner Relationship Management (PRM).
- Describe the capabilities of different Experience deployments and migrations.
- Describe how to enable and activate an Experience.
- Given a scenario, recommend and implement Delegated External User administration.
- Determine the steps to build a public Experience.
- Determine steps to configure and setup Topics.
- Apply ticketing and Service Cloud capabilities for Experience Cloud.
- What are the limitations across all Experience Sites in Salesforce
Useful links for preparation
YouTube Playlist
Salesforce Certification Days
Attend the salesforce certification days webinars to get an overview of each topic that is related to the Admin Certification exam.
Here is the link for Upcoming Certification Days.
Tips to clear Exam
I have posted some tips that you can use to clear the exam easily. Click here to access the link.
Wish you all the best for your salesforce certifications. Feedback is always welcomed.
Important Resources
Here are some of the important resources that I have followed while I appeared in the Salesforce Digital Experience Cloud certification
- User Licences
- Topics in Experience Cloud
- Content Rules in Experience Cloud
- Setup Sharing Sets in Salesforce Community
- Digital Experience Administrator
- Create Experience Builder Site
- SSO for Digital Experience Site
- Limits of Digital Experience