A collection is a data structure(Data Types) that is used to store multiple values of the same data type. Collections are used to manipulate large sets of data efficiently and effectively.
If we have to store multiple values of the same type then if we do not use collection. Then here is how we will store the variables
String name;
String name1;
String name2;
String name3;
String nameN;
String fruit = ‘Apple’;
String fruitName = ‘Banana’;
Types of Collection
There are mainly three types of collection in Salesforce
- List
- Set
- Map
List Collection in Salesforce
A list is a collection of elements that are ordered and can be accessed using their index. The elements of a list can be of any data type, including primitive and non-primitive data types.
In Salesforce, lists are represented by the “List” keyword in Apex code and are commonly used to store and manipulate large data sets.
There is a class named List.
List<Data Type> variabname = new List<Data Type>();
Lists allow for various operations such as adding or removing elements, iterating over elements, searching for elements, and sorting elements.
List of Index = Total Size of List(Total Elements in List) – 1
Total Index = 4
First Index = 0
Last Index = 4-1
// Syntax
#1 -
List<Data Type> variabname = new List<Data Type>();
// Declare & Memory Allocation
List<String> fruitList = new List<String>(); // Size = 0, Size = 1
// Declare & Memory Allocation & Value Assignment
#2 -
List<String> fruitList = new List<String>{'apple', 'banana', 'orange'};
List<String> orderStatusList = new List<String>{
'Created','Submit','In Process',
'Out for Delivery','Delivered',
'Return Requested','Return Pickup Scheduled',
'Retured', 'Refund Requested',
List<Integer> numbersList = new List<Integer>{1,2,4,5,3};
// Declare the variable
#3 -
List<String> fruitList; // null
fruitList = new List<String>(); // Memory Allocation
fruitList = new List<String>{'apple', 'banana', 'orange'}; // Memory Allocation & Value Assignment
fruitList1 = new List<String>{'apple', 'banana', 'orange'};
Methods of List in Salesforce
There are numerous methods of List class in Salesforce, however, there are some that are being used widely by the developers
List<Data Type> variabname = new List<Data Type>();
- add(element)
- set(index, element) – 1, ‘banana’
- get(index) – 0, 1, 2
- clear()
- clone()
- addAll(another set or list)
- remove(index)
- isEmpty()
- size()
- sort()
- Etc
For more information refer to this link –
When to Use List
- Ordering the element is important
- Need of accessing the element by indexes
- Sorting is important
- Need to create records inside Salesforce sObjects
- Need to store the records from the SOQL Queries
- You need to store multiple dimensions like Matrix
// List<Data Type> variabname = new List<Data Type>();
List<Integer> numbers = new List<Integer>{4,5,6,6,6,6};
System.debug(' numbers '+ numbers);
List<String> frtuits = new List<String>(); // heap memory
frtuits.add('Grapes'); //0
frtuits.add('Mango'); //1
// Size - 5
// Start Index = 0, Last Index = size - 1 = 4
System.debug(' frtuits '+ frtuits);
frtuits.set(1, 'Guava');
System.debug(' frtuits after set method '+ frtuits);
System.debug(' Index 2 '+ frtuits.get(5) );
String abc = frtuits.get(2);
Integer xyz = numbers.get(2); // String
//Illegal assignment from String (Right side after =) to Integer(left side before =)
Integer length = frtuits.size();
Boolean isEmpty = frtuits.isEmpty();
System.debug( length );
// 6MB - Sync , 12MB - Async
System.debug( frtuits );
System.debug( frtuits.get(2) );
if(frtuits.isEmpty() == false){
System.debug(' List is Not Blank ');
System.debug(' List is Blank ');
Set in Salesforce
→ Set is an unordered set of collections elements.
→ Set does not contain the duplicate element
→ You can not access elements using indices
→ Below is visual representations of a set of String
Syntax of Set
Set<Integer> colorsSet = new Set<Integer>();
Set<Integer> colorsSet = new Set<Integer>{'Red', 'Black', 'Blue', 'Green'};
Set<Integer> colorsSet;
Methods of Set in Salesforce
There are numerous methods of Set in Salesforce, however, there are some that are being used widely by developers.
- add(element)
- contains(element)
- addAll(another set or list)
- clear()
- remove(value)
- size()
- isEmpty()
- Ect
For more information refer to this link –
When to Use Set
- Ordering is Not Important
- To Store the recordIds or Unique Elements like Emails, Phone
Set<String> colorsSet = new Set<String>{'black','Red', 'Black', 'Blue', 'Green','Black'};
System.debug(colorsSet.contains('Black') ) ;
Integer length = colorsSet.size();
Boolean isEmpty = colorsSet.isEmpty();
Set<String> fruitsSet = new Set<String>();
colorsSet.addAll( fruitsSet );
Set<Integer> numberSet = new Set<Integer>{3,4,5,5,5};
colorsSet.addAll( numberSet );
Set<String> colorsSet = new Set<String>{'black','Red', 'Black', 'Blue', 'Green','Black'};
System.debug(colorsSet + '\n ');
System.debug(colorsSet.contains('Black') ) ;
Integer length = colorsSet.size();
Boolean isEmpty = colorsSet.isEmpty();
Set<String> fruitsSet = new Set<String>();
Account accountRecord = new Account();
accountRecord.Name = 'SET ACCOUNT DEMO';
Account accountRecord1 = new Account();
accountRecord1.Name = 'SET ACCOUNT DEMO';
Account accountRecord2 = new Account();
accountRecord2.Name = 'SET ACCOUNT DEMO2';
Set<Account> accountSet = new Set<Account>();
List<Account> accountList = new List<Account>();
// accountList.add();
accountList.addAll(accountSet); // Set<Account> // Account
insert accountList;
global class List{
global void addAll(List<Object> elements){
for(Ineteger i=0; i< elements.length; i ++){
accountList.add( elements[i] );
- Create a List to Store Some of the Salesforce Certifications
- Playaround with the methods
- Create a Set to store the Salesforce Certifications related to Salesforce Developers
- Playaround with the methods