Salesforce Code Builder (Beta)


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Working with Salesforce Development has been challenge specially when we are working with Lightning Web Component. As we have to install the VS code and then work there.

Well I have a good news that Code Builder an online development platform for Salesforce Developer has been made available live now. You can easily access and start using it..

How to Access

To access the Code Builder you need to install it from Salesforce AppExchnage and for setup watch the below video.

Code Builder is a second-generation managed package (2GP ) that you can install in a Developer Edition org.

Installation Link

Get Started & Setup

Watch the below attched video on how to get started

Important Points

As the code builder is in beta version there are few limitations

  1. You will only get 20 hours in a month.
  2. Please make sure to save or push your code before closing the workspace
  3. Once you close the tab the times will stop


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