Hello #Trailblazers,
In this blog post, we will talk about the sneak peek of Salesforce Flows ( the features which will be coming in Winter 22 release )
1 – Subflow for Record Trigger Flow
Record triggered flows now has the capability to call the sub-flow that means you can put the complex logic in multiple small flows
2 – Record-Trigger Start element New Changes
After the winter 22 release, we will have the ability to select the object, trigger it on the same page, and also we will be able to select if we wanted to have an async path for the flow.
You can also optimize your flow based on your requirement
- Fast Field Update – Update fields on the record that triggers the flow to run. This high-performance flow runs before the record is saved to the database.
- Actions & Related Records – Update any record and perform actions, like send an email. This more flexible flow runs after the record is saved to the database.
3 – New Rollback Element for Screen Flows
Now you have the ability to roll back all the changes which have been completed by Salesforce Flows. For Example, Insert, Update, Delete, Query. You can roll back all the changes below use cases.
- There is any error in data elements like Insert
- Some custom validation that has to be implemented in the flow
- You have some custom requirement based on the business
4 – Configure Batch Size for Scheduled Paths ( Record Trigger Flows )
Now after the winter 22 release we have options to select the batch size ( #of records) to process in that flow. Doing this way we can mitigate the risk of getting into the governor limit.
5 – New minute element for Scheduled path in Flows ( Record-Trigger Flows)
Now, this is something great feature that salesforce is giving us in Winter 22. We can select Minutes After & before element for our schedule path.
6 – Relabel the Navigation Buttons in a Screen Flow
Winter 22 has the ability to change the Screen buttons. For Example, we can change “Done” or “Next” to any other text that you want.
7 – New Enhancement for debugging the Record-trigger flow
Now, we can debug the record-triggered flow with new enhancements. It is making it much easier to select which path you wanted to test now.
Thanks for reading 🙂 #BeAwesomeAdmin
concerning point 1, would you consider to create for every decision a new subflow then?
So you would have 1 record triggerd flow with only decisions pointing to subflows
Sort of like it is in process builder and use this as a sort of framework.
Or would that not be best practise and use subflows only for reusable cases?
Hi Mical,
It completely depends upon the business requirement. Salesforce has a proper document for the same you can have a look.
Salesforce Blog
So excited for new Flow enhancements!
Hi Amit,
Is it possible for a flow to trigger when an Einstein Activity is added to the Activity History? One serious drawback with EAC is the loss of history. I’d like to capture the email data and log my own task. Any thoughts?
Best regards.
Hi David,
Honestly, I do not have any idea about EAC. Let me check if I can found anything for you.